Well the rain has stopped for a while long enough for the brickies to get on with the job. Lou went and visited the boys during the week and brought them some cake to keep em' happy. They mentioned they were under the pump to get the job done as the rain had affected their progress somewhat. They also mentioned they may come back on the weekend to get some more done. I think when they woke on Saturday morning and realised how crap the weather was, they just rolled over and went back to sleep. Here are some pics of the progress to date.
This is the window in the Garage. The Garage is actually lower than the house due to the fall in the land. When they originally drew the plans for this variation they had actually aligned the top of the window to fall in line with the study windows which would have been higher than the garage entry - not an attractive look. We have since had the window aligned to be central in the garage wall.
This is the window in the Garage. The Garage is actually lower than the house due to the fall in the land. When they originally drew the plans for this variation they had actually aligned the top of the window to fall in line with the study windows which would have been higher than the garage entry - not an attractive look. We have since had the window aligned to be central in the garage wall.
These next 2 shots are of the side of the alfresco and side of the house showing the Walk in Pantry and Family room windows.
I have been organising some gear for the pre-wiring this week as well, things like wall plates, and cables. Within the next couple of weeks the sparky should be out and we will be able to go in and pre-wire some the gear to be connected up post-handover.
While we were out on Saturday we were checking the windows and noticed that the ensuite window is not double glazed. We had included this as a PCV (Post Contract Variation), so obviously they have missed this. I have since left a message with 'F' to follow this up. Maybe I should send him a copy of the PCVs and let him check them 'all'....
The wet weather is such a pain on a building site. I can see in one of your photos there are big puddles of water standing around.
Unfortunately tradies are messy - so even though they have their creature comforts, they still make a damn big mess. Marita (half of the M&Ms) actually put some plastic garden furniture in an rubbish bags - a great idea, and wish we had done the same!
And a picnic table :-)
Hi Toni,
we never had any requirements (as far as I am aware) to have obscure glass in any of the rooms. I haven't gone out of my way to check with the council but I expect PD would have done that for us (That's what we pay them for anyway).
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