Lou has been able to get out quite often to the site with the cherubs to help keep me and the Blog updated which is fantastic!
The scaffolding has now been erected to allow the guys to install the guttering, fascias and roof tiles. (we just need the tiles)
Our water meter has been installed, but by the looks of it not yet connected. South East Water still need to come out for that.
The plumber has also connected up all the pipes to the required locations.
This is where the kitchen island bench goes with the sink. They feed the hot and cold pipes through the slab using the PVC pipes which lead to the outside wall.
This is how the house looks now.
Blimey, your guys work fast! You'll be in before you know it! Have the bricks been delivered?
No, not yet. Lou is going out again today - will update again later tonight to see what else has happened.
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