Monday 7 January 2008

Bricks, bricks and more bricks

The journey to find the right brick seems endless.

During my two week chrissy break we again went looking for more houses to help decide on which brick colour to choose. The eldest cherub and I went out on a rather warm day to visit the Boral display centre to bring back some samples for Lou to have a look at. When we got there we had a quick chat to the sales person who advised us that we could take a couple of samples of each brick from the yard. I started off by getting out a small umbrella to help shade the cherub. After 5 minutes of this, the heat became too much and I decided it was best to leave her in the car with the air-con running.

I grabbed samples of 5 bricks and went back home. We looked at the bricks and ummed and arred and narrowed it down to 2 - Gypsy Rose (reddish with a black fleck) and Mocha (brown with black fleck). Then I rang Boral and asked for some addresses of each so we could see what they looked like on a large scale. I went out driving the next day to visit each of the addresses and found that the colour Gypsy Rose was very Red - almost too Red. The more local address for the Mocha brick colour was in Fern Tree Gully. When I got there I found a totally new estate which was fantastic as we had been driving for miles to the outer suburbs generally to see examples of new estates. While trying to locate the 'Mocha' house, I found not 1 but 4 versions of the Porter Davis Cremorne 41, the same house we are building all in the same estate! They didn't have the same facade as ours but they all had a similar brick colour; a reddish look, a bit like Gypsy Rose which was great because I realised then that it wasn't the look we were trying to achieve.

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